WTF: Ab Enhancer for Pseudo Athletes

I could make one of these things with my neighbors ghetto tv top satellite.
And what the *bleep* is a “pseudo athlete” and why doesn’t he have a last name!?

You either play sports at some level of skill or you don’t.

I think this product is for “pseudo athletes” that consider playing Tiger Woods Golf on the Wii U to be playing a sport.

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Categories: WTF (What The F*@!) | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

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8 thoughts on “WTF: Ab Enhancer for Pseudo Athletes

  1. That is so ridiculous. If I saw a dude with a barbeque grill strapped to his gut I would leave. I would proabaly laugh at him too. That is false advertsing and it is dumb.


  2. Oh wow, I wonda what will be next!


  3. This is absolutely ridiculous! What are they about? And who created it! Why would anyone want to himself a hernia for abs! Lol (not!) Pseudo athlete…?! That term alone should turn any one off…


  4. I nominated you for a new award! You’ll find the rules here:



  5. christina

    Pseudo means Fake or false. Just saying….but yea its dumb. lol


  6. Just simply great!


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