Quotes: Seriously Funny

“A joke is a very serious thing.” ― Winston S. Churchill

I must thank Daniela Damian from the Another you – Alt tu blog.


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9 thoughts on “Quotes: Seriously Funny

  1. So true. ”A joke is a very serious thing” – Winston Churchill


  2. I pay more attention to jokes, and I take them seriously, even I do not announce the person who makes them. It is interesting what some people want to say, and they hide. 🙂



    • I’m a bit of a smart ass, so I usually say the first thing that comes to mind. Funny thing is, sometimes I’ll say things jokingly to cover the seriousness of it all. Which is probably why I’ve always related to Spider-Man.

      If it’s worth hiding, it’s probably worth saying…..sometimes.

      And this heartfelt tangent was brought to you by, Bloggers: Somebody Had To Say Something.


  3. Ya, sometimes is easy say things jokingly to cover the seriousness of it all. 😀 been there done that


  4. Without jokes i think people would be very bored and un-happy.


  5. Christina

    True statement. I wonder, do we use jokes instead of just saying how we feel to avoid hurting someone or confrontation? Hmmm.


  6. So true. I’m not sure why but the first thing this reminded me of was a kid I had in school who would always make fun of my friend who was gay. He had all these jokes but 24/7 and it’s like “Dude, come on” and then he ended up being gay and had a crush on him. Ha ha. Look what was underneath all those jokes.


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