Monthly Archives: May 2012


I’m no smooth operator, maybe that’s why I can’t get through to you.
Every line seems to be occupied when you said that you’d make time for me.
Lines connect everything & all I ever wanted was to hear the sound of your voice.
No this isn’t a pickup line.
There is no other context, it simply is that & nothing more.
It’s in the way you say it.
It’s in the way you look at me.

I want to pick up the phone but it weighs a ton,
it’s like I’m trying to make a call from the dark side of the moon.
I cannot fight silence, it’s been around much longer than I have.
It seems the more I try to connect with you,
the more I end up leaving messages that sound like PSA’s.
Knowing is half the battle when you’re fighting with an open heart.
Here I go again talking about fighting for you as though you were the Queen of Hearts.
Well this could be a Wonderland if you’d only pick up the phone or take my hand.
We could be crossing paths like intersecting transit lines.

I’ve got more options than change in my back pocket & that’s why I’m quick to change the pace,
making it hard to keep up with me from day to day.
You are different than the girls I could call on.
That’s why your number was always stuck on my mind.
But I can’t call on somebody that doesn’t know how to pick up their heart.
Still no answer, don’t you ever check your mail man?
Why won’t you respond to this?

One of these days I’ll have everything I’ve ever wanted.
You’re still invited, you know where to find me, at the end of the day it’s always the same.
The dream you never expected always becomes the ride you’ll never forget,
like a Never-ending Journey.
Every path is the right one as long as there’s something worth holding on to.
I’ve still got time if I’ve still got faith.
Where did the time go? I must have left it in my other jeans.
From yesterday it’s always been this way.
I can never get enough of what I can’t have.
I want you to understand so that you can stay fine.

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Diet Coke Dreams

I hate to admit it, but my world is changing me, in more ways than I can see.
I don’t want to miss a thing.
But I passed out anyway, in a time when I had nothing to gain.
And for a moment I lost everything.
Left feeling low while I was trying to figure out what was on your mind.
When we met you parked yourself in my imagination.
And like a taste test you left me wanting more of what little I was given.
Got me looking carefully at the labels at the back of our minds.

You’ve been focused on chasing the past & I’m sitting here wiping your fears away.
The things you crave should leave you feeling refreshed not lacking.
So if I ain’t on your mind, this dream is flatter than day old drinks resting on table coasters.
Sure love is safe, but I’ve never known it to just coast without a push or some kind of crazy chemistry.
If I ever get around to living again, I’m gonna find a better way to set you free.
Until then I’ll just stay away as though distance were the same thing as being free.

Love doesn’t mean a thing unless we want it to.
I guess words are like gravity that way, it doesn’t take much to pull you in,
but once it’s got a hold of you, nothing’s the same.
We can see the love we’ve been given in our reflections everyday.
There’s no second guessing, you didn’t even have to ask.
Like Diet Coke & calories, zero’s the only number we want to see,
even though we know there’s more in store.
Living is not a dream & love is not just something we do.
You’ve gotta keep your eyes & heart open for something out of the ordinary.
Like Diet Coke & calories, there’s nothing sweeter.

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Quotes: Noir

“I have to find myself in the darkness.
Or rather I have to find the darkness within me.” – Kirika Yuumura

“A wounded beast only sees its own pain.” – Mireille Bouquet

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Sunday Sithy

This joke always makes me giggle for some reason.

Sithy Things

Well, last night I attended a Wine Party, and finally had the chance to imbibe, since Hubby was my designated driver. As usual, it was a lot of fun, with many stories told and lots of wine decanted. There must have been twelve bottles of different wines for us to guzzle try. And though it was a rather sad occasion, since one of our friends is moving west, a good time was had by all. So good, that I have to go take something for my headache right now, so here:

Also, it’s Sunday, so I’m kinda hoping for doughnuts.

Y’all have a wonderful day!!

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Missed Messages

Why am I watching movie marathons alone tonight when I know that you are free?
I saved the last piece of pie for you pumpkin.
These arms are wide open although this heart is reaching closing time.
Now the color of my shirt matches the colors I bleed when I see everything in black & white like I do tonight.
The more I try to connect, the more my feelings are lost than found.
You’d know this by now if you actually listened to a word I said.
There’s no more messages for you to miss.

There’s no use in holding onto half empty bottles of red wine when company’s not coming.
I’ve lost all feeling in my fingers so don’t hold on to me.
Not that it’s your fault for missing the clues I’ve left for you.
I’m a mystery whenever you see me because I’m done hoping for what I can’t have.
I’ve let it go & there’s no point in asking for directions to places that no longer exist.
Somewhere inside I cannot find a feeling that I got from you.
I’m right here where I’ve always been, and for once it’s not a shame.

Show me something that I can believe.
Give me something that I can hold.
Be with me without being told.
Music’s playing but no one’s dancing on the floor.
Where’s my partner at?
Conversation isn’t supposed to make me feel alone.
I can’t retrace how we got here.
Now that I’m out of range, there’s no going back.
There’s no more time for me to lose.

It’s not a phase, leaving messages is harder than it seems.
We keep repeating ourselves but nothing’s getting any easier.
One of these days saving our words won’t save us from anything.
Although it’s just a button press away, it’s still a damn ironic tragedy.
Somewhere inside I cannot find a feeling that I got from you.
These feelings have been diluted by wine & maybe that’s why I’m feeling more than fine.
I’m done dreaming about somebody missing me.
We still have dreams, but they’re not the same.
I guess I’m over the things I yearned for yesterday.

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