Monthly Archives: May 2012

Anything but Casual

This is anything but casual now.

In your eyes I see something I can’t control.
You’ve brought back a feeling that I used to know.
And to think that only 24 hours ago we were standing on the opposite sides of something beautiful, and not knowing what it was.
Keeping everything casual cus it’s safer to not know what we’re getting ourselves into.
The rest of the day before this was a blur anyway.
So I’m fine with losing myself in you.
Together we’ll find ourselves.
I don’t want to go anywhere, I want to be here with you.
And here is where we begin.
Close your eyes & let me in.
You’ve opened mine & now we’ll never be the same.

Categories: Poetry | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Lee Stormlover (Ryan Gosling Dukes It Out at the Beach)



Ryan’s confused as well.

Lee Stormlover & I had a funny chat about dudes in Dasiy Dukes, so this one is for her.

Yes the image of Ryan is fake, I was bored & did some quick Photoshoppin’. I have noticed a trend with men wearing feminine shorts/pants lately though.

Categories: So Random | Tags: , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

An Honest Question

What does it mean when someone says, “When can I see you again?”

Does that question come off a tad “romantic” sounding when compared to:

“Hey, why don’t we hang out some time?”

“Let’s do something this weekend.”

Normally I’ve said or heard the words, “When can I see you again?” while dating someone, so I’m just wondering if that sentiment is generally the same across the board.

Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

Categories: So Random | Tags: , , , , , , | 10 Comments


Lost feeling in my fingers.
Lost my grip on everything.
Miles away from something familiar.
I’m starving for something new again.
Looking everywhere for a shot.
Three years got me nowhere.
I’m afraid I won’t have anything worth calling my own.
That’s why I’ve got to make a change.
I don’t want to sing the same old song.
Learning how to live life on the edge.

Been putting out fires burning deep inside of me.
Took some time, but now I can breathe.
My behaviour was irratic & I couldn’t expect your empathy.
I wanted to talk to you, but I didn’t know what to say.
Where’s the distinction between friends & family?
I belong to both, so why don’t they feel the same?
We’re supposed to be close, but I’ve rarely felt that way, like an outsider looking in.
You’d tell me to get help in your own way.
So I took your advice & I stayed away.
If my absence bothers you; my apologies.

Grew somewhat in my time away.
Threw myself into everything.
Recklessly put my name behind faces that never stayed the same.
Can’t pretend to be what I’ll never become.
Walked for hours just to get away from my failures which you’ll never see.
Don’t know how to make a fantasy cus reality’s all that I can dream.
I know that you’re different but you always seem the same.
Somehow I find comfort in such continuity.
When you look at me do you still feel the same?

I’m still searching for a calling.
I’ve been writing in every medium.
Soon my words will be bound to paper & liquid screens.
Left my thoughts out there for anyone to see.
Picked up a few tricks along the way.
Now you’re caught up on just about everything.
Thank you for being patient with me.

Categories: Poetry | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

WTF: White-Power Forever!

I am in full support of this White-Power gathering! There I said it.

White-Power has never looked better!

The White-Power wedding will be sure to leave a few ivory cone-heads looking whiter than Casper.

I just want to hear the Minister say, “I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. White-Power.”
And I want to see the look on the faces of the extremely bewildered bigots who wander into the reception.

God bless their White-Power babies, and give them the power to make every Teacher who calls their names during morning attendance to think they’re being punk’d.

Let’s raise our glasses in celebration of this pure White-Power love.


Categories: WTF (What The F*@!) | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

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